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  • The Township of Ridley provides this business directory as a service to residents and business owners.

  • LISTINGS ARE OFFERED TO LICENSED BUSINESSES IN RIDLEY TOWNSHIP. However, if you offer a service (for example local contractors, landscapers, photographers, etc.), you're the business owner and a tax-paying resident of Ridley Township, you are also eligible. 


  • The directory is intended to serve as a resource for local residents and businesses; "local" is defined as having a physical office, shop, storefront, or location within the Township.

  • The Township of Ridley does not solicit any individual business to submit their information. Inclusion in the Township directory is strictly voluntary.

  • Links to external sites are offered to assist in accessing additional information. Connecting to outside sites is at your own risk.

  • The Township does not endorse the content or accuracy of any listing or external website.

  • Ridley Township is not responsible and expressly disclaims all liability for, damages of any kind, arising out of the use, reference to, or reliance on, any information or business listed throughout our site.

  • While information is updated periodically, no guarantee is given that the details provided are correct, complete, or up-to-date.

  • It is the business owner(s) responsibility to notify the Township when their status or point of contact has changed or modifications are necessary.

  • The directory is updated on a daily basis, but patience is appreciated. All entries are reviewed and evaluated by Township personnel prior to posting.

  • By contributing any information (including text and graphics), you grant the Township permission - free of charge - to modify the material.

  • Business owner(s) agree that all information is their own original work, not defamatory, does not infringe on any laws, and they have the right to provide the Township permission to use it for purposes mentioned above.

Phone. (610) 534-4800

Fax. (610) 534-2545

Monday - Friday

 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.


100 E. MacDade Boulevard

Folsom, PA 19033

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