Ridley Township is an excellent place to do business.
Our local Business Directory includes a listing of licensed businesses within Ridley Township - displaying their address, phone number, email, hours, website and logo.
The goal of this initiative is to provide residents with a convenient way to search local business options, making it even easier for people to support our business community.
A strong connection between the Ridley Township Board of Commissioners, our residents, and local business owners is invaluable.Before you leave town to dine, shop or order clothing or consumer goods online, stop and take a look at the Ridley Township Business Directory and see what you can get locally.
DIRECTORY LISTINGS ARE OFFERED TO LICENSED BUSINESSES IN RIDLEY TOWNSHIP. However, if you offer a service (ie. local contractors, landscapers, photographers, etc.), you're the business owner and a tax-paying resident of Ridley Township, you are eligible to list your business through our directory.
For more information on listings and enrollment, please follow the links below: